Source code for grispy.validators

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This file is part of the
#   GriSPy Project (
# Copyright (c) 2019, Martin Chalela
# License: MIT
#   Full Text:

"""Functions to validate GriSPy input parameters."""

import numpy as np

# ---------------------------------
# Validators for method params
# Meant to be called within each method
# --------------------------------

[docs]def validate_centres(centres, data): """Validate method params: centres.""" # Chek if numpy array if not isinstance(centres, np.ndarray): raise TypeError( "Centres: Argument must be a numpy array." "Got instead type {}".format(type(centres)) ) # Check if data has the expected dimension if centres.ndim != 2 or centres.shape[1] != data.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "Centres: Array has the wrong shape. Expected shape of (n, {}), " "got instead {}".format(data.ndim, centres.shape) ) # Check if data has the expected dimension if len(centres.flatten()) == 0: raise ValueError("Centres: Array must have at least 1 point") # Check if every data point is valid if not np.isfinite(centres).all(): raise ValueError("Centres: Array must have real numbers")
[docs]def validate_equalsize(a, b): """Check if two arrays have the same lenght.""" if len(a) != len(b): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same lenght.")
[docs]def validate_distance_bound(distance, periodic): """Distance bounds, upper and lower, can be scalar or numpy array.""" # Check if type is valid if not (np.isscalar(distance) or isinstance(distance, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError( "Distance: Must be either a scalar or a numpy array." "Got instead type {}".format(type(distance)) ) # Check if value is valid if not np.all(distance >= 0): raise ValueError("Distance: Must be positive.") # Check distance is not larger than periodic range for v in periodic.values(): if v is None: continue if np.any(distance > (v[1] - v[0])): raise ValueError( "Distance can not be higher than the periodicity range" )
[docs]def validate_shell_distances(lower_bound, upper_bound, periodic): """Distance bounds, upper and lower, can be scalar or numpy array.""" validate_distance_bound(lower_bound, periodic) validate_distance_bound(upper_bound, periodic) # Check that lower_bound is lower than upper_bound if not np.all(lower_bound <= upper_bound): raise ValueError( "Distance: Lower bound must be lower than higher bound." )
[docs]def validate_bool(flag): """Check if bool.""" if not isinstance(flag, bool): raise TypeError( "Flag: Expected boolean. " "Got instead type {}".format(type(flag)) )
[docs]def validate_sortkind(kind): """Define valid sorting algorithm names.""" valid_kind_names = ["quicksort", "mergesort", "heapsort", "stable"] # Chek if string if not isinstance(kind, str): raise TypeError( "Kind: Sorting name must be a string. " "Got instead type {}".format(type(kind)) ) # Check if name is valid if kind not in valid_kind_names: raise ValueError( "Kind: Got an invalid name: '{}'. " "Options are: {}".format(kind, valid_kind_names) )
[docs]def validate_n_nearest(n, data, periodic): """Validate method params: n_nearest.""" # Chek if int if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError( "Nth-nearest: Argument must be an integer. " "Got instead type {}".format(type(n)) ) # Check if number is valid, i.e. higher than 1 if n < 1: raise ValueError( "Nth-nearest: Argument must be higher than 1. " "Got instead {}".format(n) ) # check that n is not larger than the number of data points # within 1 periodic range Np = len(data) valid_axis = len([v for v in periodic.values() if v is not None]) Nvalid = Np * 3**valid_axis if n > Nvalid: raise ValueError( "Nth-nearest: Argument must be lower than the number of " "available data points within 1 periodic range, {}. " "Got instead {}".format(Nvalid, n) )